Thursday 23 April 2015


As humans it is in our nature to connect with each other. From the moment we are conceived  right up to when we die. Some connections  are predetermined,as is with family.While other connections are established by choice, as is with friends and love interests. You can not make or maintain a connection without giving a part of yourself, and that  part is usually your heart. Your heart is your power house, literally and figuratively.

So, when any of these connections are severed for whatever reason, our heart, our power house, suffers and it hurts. Some people refuse to acknowledge the pain, while others let the pain overwhelm them. There is no right or wrong way to feel .What matters is you allow your power house mend, for if you do not, you will end up bitter and full of resentment.  You have to accept that there are no shortcuts, you can not boycott the pain. You may try to bury it, but as with all things buried, it can be unearthed. Your best bet is to face it,for it is only when you face it, that you can conquer it, and it is by conquering it, that you can truly heal.

If you want to mend your broken  heart,

  • Acknowledge the pain, cry if you feel like it, tears can be wiped off 
  • Be honest with yourself about why the connection was severed 
  • Decide if and when you want to reestablish the connection
  • Do not try to get even, or you'll end up being caught up in a vicious cycle of hate and hurt
  • Accept that love is only enough when it is reciprocated, you cannot make someone love you if they don't  want to
  • Do not wallow in self pity
  • Mourn your loss but have no regrets
  • Most importantly COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS, they are more than you think

Mending a broken heart doesn't happen overnight, it takes time and effort. But,it is well worth it, it will make you stronger, and wiser.

“Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.”– Mark Twain

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