Wednesday 22 October 2014


Truth be told we live in a very superficial world that being said however, if you want to live and enjoy life in its fullness you must learn how to look beyond the "book covers". Nature provides us with many gifts some gifts we cannot see but our lives depend on like the air we breathe, some lie in plain sight for instance the soil which we till for food and others we need to search for like crude oil which drives the world economy.

Have you ever wondered how the precious stones and metals used to make those expensive jewellery, luxury cars and breath taking buildings are found?  More often than not, they are dug and drilled for in the most unlikely places, places that do not fit the description, “aesthetically pleasing”. What you see in the shops are finished products. They have undergone some form of refinement, and have been put on display in an attractive way for you to appreciate and make you want to spend your money.

So how then can you tell who a person is or what they can or cannot do simply by looking at them? Judging them before interacting with them? Doing this depicts you as being shallow if not ignorant. Although there is no foolproof way of completely “knowing” someone but you should accord them with respect until they give you a reason to do otherwise.

Never forget that life hosts numerous competitions in which we participate either by choice or necessity. So if you’ll rather be the ‘’superficial ignorant contestant”, suit yourself.  But remember there are many “dark horses” out there. They will go on to win grand prizes and you, consolation ones, if you are that lucky that is.

 Keeping an open-mind has many rewards,trust me, I know.......

………… “Things are not always as they seem the first appearance deceives many”-  Phaedrus

Monday 15 September 2014


In today's highly competitive world if you wish to excel  in your chosen path it is not enough to just get yourself noticed. It is imperative that you leave a  lasting impression. Creating lasting impressions will go a long way in helping you  build your brand. If you wish to be memorable;

1. You must have self-confidence

2. Take extra care with your physical appearance

3. Make  a habit of being  courteous to people you come across and always follow through

4. At introductions always make eye contact, ensure your smile reaches your eyes, and give a firm           handshake

5. Learn the art of good conversation

6. Always have an opinion

7. Maintain your individuality even when you are part of a team

8. Make yourself approachable but have set boundaries

9.  Strive for perfection in all that you do

10. Look to continuously improve yourself: personally and professionally

11.Never forget you only make a first impression once

......... "Being memorable equals getting picked " - Jeffrey Pfeffer

Monday 8 September 2014


As humans we tend to become set in our ways but our wants and needs continually change whether we want them to or not.As such there comes a time when it becomes necessary to move on. It maybe from relationships, situations, ideas, attitudes etc. Most often than not it is  not a walk in the park although some may find it easier than others.

Does moving on mean to walk away? Or is it to let go? People sometimes confuse them. It is possible for one to walk away without letting go and vice versa. Personally I  have found it easier to move on from situations than relationships. Maybe it is because I invest more emotions in my human connections than with situations.

 When you make the decision to move on it is always important to ask why? when? and how? Moving on is a process that requires a certain amount of  resolve.In the true sense of the word it is simply striving to become your better self in order to lead a happier and more fulfilling life. Wanting more from life is not selfishness......

"In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: it goes on" - Robert Frost

Monday 25 August 2014


What causes one to doubt one’s self? Is it the fear of failure? But then how do you know you will fail if you never try? And even when you do try how many times is enough to come to the conclusion that you indeed  have failed?
Self-doubt more often than not is borne from a feeling of insecurity.  In other wards to deal with self-doubt one must first ask the question, what makes me feel insecure?  When you find the answer(s) examine them next to what you think makes you feel secure. By doing so hopefully you realize that even that which you think makes you secure is not exempt from the only constant in life, change. 

I always thought myself to have little or no insecurities until I suffered a great loss. Everything I thought made me secure changed in an instant and I found myself in a state of free fall. I had to unlearn and let go of what I had know all my life to be the bedrock of my confidence. It was not easy but then by doing so I became stronger and realized that doubting ones self  is not the problem but dwelling on it to the point it takes over your every thought and action is .  

What you consider your securities and insecurities are all down to your sense of perception.
So what do you do?  Turn your feelings of insecurity into those of security. How?   

  Live for you but let your conscience be your guide

Do not fear rejection, instead let it motivate you

Bear in mind that in life, change is the only constant

Take yourself seriously but not so much that you cannot laugh at yourself

Realize that having a dream is not the end do the work that comes with it

It is OK to second guess yourself but just for a minute no more

Do not give any one the permission to make you doubt your abilities.

Always remember you are ONE OF A KIND.

We all are on life’s journey. Routes and paces may vary but the destination is the same; our individual, dreams, goals and aspirations. You may have to take some detours along the way even they have their purpose. No experience is a waste just as no plan is100% fool proof.  What matters is you trust yourself and take that all important first step and the ones after………..

……… “Nothing binds you except your thought; nothing limits you except your fear; and nothing controls you except your beliefs” – Marianne Williamson

Sunday 1 June 2014


I am and have always been a firm believer in new beginnings. It doesn't necessarily mean you have to pack up, change your identity and move somewhere new, although you can if that is what you want and can afford to. By afford to, I mean quitting your job, saying goodbye to your family, physically leaving what is familiar to you for the great unknown.

As exciting and adventurous as  this may sound, it is rather drastic. In reality, you are not going to get very far without any money and you do need your human connections be it in the form of family or friendships. So how can you start anew?

First you need to take a very honest inward look at yourself. Where you are and where you want to be. Is it the same or do you find that you're not quite there? If you are not, how do you get there? Truth is there is no such thing as being too late, not when it comes to reinventing yourself, be it in your family life, love life, career, friendships etc.

 On life's journey  there are bound to be "detours" however arriving at your destination is what matters the  most. So be your own cartographer, map out your journey. Sorry life does not give you any guarantees but it does give you boundless opportunities. So be wise, recognize them and make the most of them.

For me, owning a successful company has always been my career goal. I am not quite there yet but I am on my way. I must admit I have taken many "detours" but I find that I am still on the right track. My first step is ECOVISION ,my very own magazine out this June.

What is your first step???????

.......... " Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about" - Sir Winston Churchill