Wednesday 27 May 2015


 People generally have an innate need to be accepted by others. Entrepreneurs  have made a lot of money from having this knowledge and knowing how to apply it. Just ask Mark Zuckerburg (facebook), Jan Koum ( whatsapp) or even Kevin systrom( Instagram).Beg to differ?

People say social media helps you stay connected right?  So why the need for constant updates?  uploading pictures of the  new car, house,  from the family album or that well deserved vacation? Do you really want to stay connected or do you want a taste of  stardom,? By that I mean, do you want the connection a celebrity has with his/her fans?

 Reality check. Constantly seeking acceptance either by likes, following, comments etc will only undermine your sense of gratification .  It can also rob you off the meaningful connections you  have already established in your life. These are the people who have accepted you for you. The ones that call you on the phone, send you emails, text messages, video chat, pay you visits when they can.

  If you want to stay connected and meet new people , then do just that. Don't obsess over   the numbers. Unless  you can transform those numbers into cash, legitimately of course. Stay connected but do not live a lie. Do not expect  that everybody you meet is going to accept you.You can try to win their acceptance, if it matters that much to you. You  may just  end up feeling neglected, and for what?

 Never forget,the world is your playground. Do not wait to be invited or asked to play. Embrace your inner child. HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY

“Because one believes in oneself, one doesn't try to convince others. Because one is content with oneself, one doesn't need others' approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her.” 
 Lao Tzu

Wednesday 20 May 2015


Revenge they say is a dish best served cold, do you agree? Have you ever felt so wronged that you find yourself dedicating time to plotting on how to get even? You want to get even because you are convinced it will right the wrong, or at least make you feel better, right? Did you go through with it? Did it make you feel better? Did it right the wrong?

It has been said ....."success is the sweetest revenge," now, that is worth dedicating time and effort to. If you are convinced you have been wronged, dedicate time to making things right for yourself. Concentrate on discovering the better you. Do not waste precious time and effort on a person or people who do not deserve it, they are mere distractions.

 Let nature do her thing, what goes around does eventually come around. You are fabulous, so live your life on your terms. Do not live as though you have something to prove, unless it is to yourself .

...... "How people treat you is their Karma; how you react is yours"

Wayne Dyer

Wednesday 13 May 2015


Life happens, this is as sure as eggs. And yes, we all are running in the LIFE MARATHON. We got signed up for it the moment we were born. As with every sport that tests your  endurance, you need to stay hydrated, or you will be worst for wear, and that wouldn't help your chances of reaching the finish line, now would it?

 In the life marathon we chase after more money ,success, fame,  dream car/ house, or whatever luxuries we fancy. Sometimes we get so caught up  in the chase for WHAT WE WANT  that we do not pause to APPRECIATE  WHAT WE HAVE. This can be very detrimental to us, because, taking a  pause to appreciate what we have, is how we stay hydrated.  Being ambitious is a good thing, but you need to BE ALIVE to reap its rewards. I mean it's all about winning the prize or should I say prizes, right?

So, need I say more? STAY HYDRATED, APPRECIATE WHAT YOU HAVE, and stay in the race. Good luck to you!!!!

.........Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough” 
                                                                    ― Oprah Winfrey

Wednesday 6 May 2015


A first experience is like discovering a new route to your favorite spot. You may take it again, because it saves you time. You may never take it again because, it takes you longer to get to your destination. On the other hand, you may decide to take it occasionally . But  try as may, you cannot 
honestly say,  " I have never taken this route before", it will never be new to you again.

Our first experiences  may evoke fond memories or not, but they are not always totally forgotten. Why do you think? Is it because of the feelings of expectation, and sometimes anxiety that precede them? Or perhaps it is the excitement that comes from exploring the unknown? 

Some people get so caught up in trying to recapture the "magic " they are convinced happened  the first time. They fail to realize, that in order to do that, they need a time machine. Hopefully a time machine will take them back to that exact moment, impossible? At best, it can only be LIKE the first time, a comparison, It can never be the FIRST time.

So, instead of spending all that time and effort  on a comparison, why don't you invest in that unique 2nd, 3rd, 4th.. or even  1 millionth time experience?  

....... "No one can possibly know what is about to happen: it is happening, each time, for the first time, for the only time".
                                James A. Baldwin