Wednesday 13 May 2015


Life happens, this is as sure as eggs. And yes, we all are running in the LIFE MARATHON. We got signed up for it the moment we were born. As with every sport that tests your  endurance, you need to stay hydrated, or you will be worst for wear, and that wouldn't help your chances of reaching the finish line, now would it?

 In the life marathon we chase after more money ,success, fame,  dream car/ house, or whatever luxuries we fancy. Sometimes we get so caught up  in the chase for WHAT WE WANT  that we do not pause to APPRECIATE  WHAT WE HAVE. This can be very detrimental to us, because, taking a  pause to appreciate what we have, is how we stay hydrated.  Being ambitious is a good thing, but you need to BE ALIVE to reap its rewards. I mean it's all about winning the prize or should I say prizes, right?

So, need I say more? STAY HYDRATED, APPRECIATE WHAT YOU HAVE, and stay in the race. Good luck to you!!!!

.........Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough” 
                                                                    ― Oprah Winfrey

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