Wednesday 8 July 2015


Being able to express yourself with words is a must. Unless of course, you are a hermit. You'll  be surprised that even hermits, write down their thoughts. In life, it doesn't matter if you consider yourself to be an introvert, extrovert or a bit of both, you have to interact with other people.

 During the course of these interactions, you will need to be vocal. Yes, there are times when you find silence to be golden. Learn to recognize these times.However, you should also learn how to speak your mind. There's nothing wrong with speaking your mind. Speak your mind, but choose your words.  Do not let your emotions choose the words for you. Please note,  this does not apply to romantic proclamations, OK?

If you want to be heard, you will need to master the art of  listening.Good listeners, make good speakers. Good listeners seem to be among the minority. Be a part of that minority, and hear your words, echo across the world. 

"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen".
                                                                                                           - Winston Churchill

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