Wednesday 5 August 2015


Do you really think there's a straight forward answer to this question? Or maybe, it is a question that takes a lifetime to answer? Either way,  you must attempt to answer if, you want to LIVE and not just EXIST.You do know there's a difference?

When you make the decision to live life, you become aware of yourself. Your needs, wants, expectations, fears, aspirations, desires etc. When you exist, you go through life as a routine.You live everyday the same way.

It is indeed an established fact,  there are 24 hours in a day.  But, when you live, you realize this is more than enough time. On the other hand, when you exist, it doesn't ever seem enough.Why? Because, you always have something to do. You've apportioned " a task" to all the time available to you. Do not mistake falling into a set routine, for being organized. A schedule is meant to eliminate, indecision and hurry, not define your day.

If you really want to know, who are you? Look in the mirror, and ask the one person who can give you the answer; YOU.

"You’ll never know who you are unless you shed who you pretend to be." 
 Vironika Tugaleva

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