Saturday 20 February 2016

I AM ME......

Have you ever taken the time to ask yourself this question; WHO AM I?  Were you able to come up with a definite answer(s)? Or did you find it to be quite the rhetorical question? At   some point in your life, it it will become necessary that you ask this question. Why? It is the first step in establishing your identity.

Why is establishing one's identity important, you may ask? In the course of  life's journey, your path will intersect with those of many others. You will also find yourself  under different circumstances. In order not to lose yourself, and stay focused, you need to have a strong sense of self .

Do bear in mind, it is more about attempting to answer the question, than how quick you are, to find an answer(s). Most importantly make no excuses for being you.However , be aware that there are also other people on life's journey, just on different paths. So with that being said, WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM LIFE?  

 ......."One of the greatest tragedies in life is to lose your own sense of self and accept the version of you that is expected by everyone else.”
K.L. Toth

Thursday 10 September 2015

1 WEEK TO LIVE.......

If you found out you had just a week to live, how would you spend it?   You may find that you subconsciously begin to prioritize. Things that you deemed important may not seem so, anymore. Why? Maybe it's because you have been forced to realize  the home truth, life is indeed transient.

You do realize that there about 60- 90 trillion cells, 7 trillion nerves, 639 muscles, 206 bones, 23 organs and 10 pints of blood that make up the miracle, that is YOU. You are a divine work of art so do take some time to appreciate it. It could be a minute to offer a prayer as you wake. Giving a hug and a kiss to a loved one(s). Smiling at your reflection in the mirror. Or just looking up at the sky.

Never allow yourself, live under the illusion that you are indispensable. At best,you will be remembered, and your absence will be felt by those, who genuinely cared about you. Even they, will move on in time. Do not forget,  you cannot stop or turn back the hands of time. So, do what you can, LIVE EVERYDAY. Recognize each dawn for what it is, a gift......

..... "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away". - Maya Angelou

Wednesday 2 September 2015


Maybe  the question should be: what is logic?  The Merriam Webster dictionary defines logic as 
: a proper or reasonable way of thinking about or understanding something
: a particular way of thinking about something
: the science that studies the formal processes used in thinking and reasoning

In other wards, logic can be described as, reasonable thinking. To a large extent, majority of people consider themselves to be "REASONABLE". And why not? the term "REASONABLE", is  relative and stems from a sense perception.  So, what do you think  should happen when someone defy's logic? Should they  automatically be labelled "UNREASONABLE?" 

Maybe,  someone being "UNREASONABLE", is just a case of the heart overriding the brain? After all,  emotions can be very powerful. On the other hand, it can also be simple selfishness. Try not to lose  sleep and energy, trying to ascertain what is reasonable or not. Concentrate instead on finding a way to have your heart, and brain coexist in harmony.  You need both of them to survive.

By the way,the opposite of logic is unreasonableness.... just in case you were wondering...

...“When dealing with people, let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures of emotion, creatures bristling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity.”

- Dale Carnegie

Thursday 27 August 2015


When living life, it can get so engrossing,  you may forget  it is not a one way street.  There are other people around you. They may behind , in front ,trying to pass by you, or coming from the opposite direction. 

 So what do you do? BE AWARE. Stay focused on your driving. Don't get intimidated by honking horns. Don't intimidate others with your horn either. It's OK to let other's overtake you. You can do the same,without endangering yourself.Some of these people you will see, everyday, some for a certain period, others never again. So do be courteous.

 Bear in mind though, only ignorant people act like they own the road. The road belongs to no one.

".....Life is not a one way street. You can go in different directions, but be prepared for those who act like they own the road"- Susan Gale

Wednesday 19 August 2015


Bridges are very significant, particularly the ones in our lives. Why? because they connect us to other people.  During the course of life, many relationships are forged. It takes commitment, to keep these relationships alive. In other wards, maintenance of the these "bridges" are vital.

You may not use a bridge frequently, that notwithstanding it is important,  to keep it operational. If at anytime, you decide to  destroy a certain bridge, for example by burning it. Pause, and give it some thought.Because, it  does take significant effort to build a bridge. Do you really think destruction is the answer? If yes, by all means go ahead.

If you want to,you can rebuild a bridge. It may take more effort, but ,who knows it may be well worth it. It can give rise to a new bridge that is not only stronger, but will be frequently used. GOOD LUCK!

“Fear builds walls instead of bridges. I want a life of bridges, not walls.” 
― Lisa Wingate 

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Moving On

Wednesday 12 August 2015


Do you agree  there is a  certain sense of  comfort/security that accompanies familiarity? Maybe, it is all about perception? Man, has been described as a  creature of habit. So, in other wards,  it is understandable when change causes anxiety for some. Others on the other hand handle it well.

What does it mean to take a chance? Simple, realizing that change is indeed inevitable. When you come to this realization, hopefully,you will find it easier to make the necessary adjustments, when life changes occur.

By all means   BE AWARE of your comfort zone. But, do not be afraid to reach beyond it.  Challenge yourself. What is the worst that could happen?

“A ship is always safe at the shore - but that is NOT what it is built for.”
                                                                                                  - Albert Einstein

Wednesday 5 August 2015


Do you really think there's a straight forward answer to this question? Or maybe, it is a question that takes a lifetime to answer? Either way,  you must attempt to answer if, you want to LIVE and not just EXIST.You do know there's a difference?

When you make the decision to live life, you become aware of yourself. Your needs, wants, expectations, fears, aspirations, desires etc. When you exist, you go through life as a routine.You live everyday the same way.

It is indeed an established fact,  there are 24 hours in a day.  But, when you live, you realize this is more than enough time. On the other hand, when you exist, it doesn't ever seem enough.Why? Because, you always have something to do. You've apportioned " a task" to all the time available to you. Do not mistake falling into a set routine, for being organized. A schedule is meant to eliminate, indecision and hurry, not define your day.

If you really want to know, who are you? Look in the mirror, and ask the one person who can give you the answer; YOU.

"You’ll never know who you are unless you shed who you pretend to be." 
 Vironika Tugaleva

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