Wednesday 24 June 2015


Life can sometimes get overwhelming, and if you do not catch yourself ,you may find that 24 hours in a day is not enough. Reality check,  24  hours is all you get, so deal with it.As long as you are living, there will always be some sort of activity to occupy you. But, you do not want to spend your life, always pressed for time, do you? Doing this, will only leave you in a continuous state of rush and panic. How long, do you think you can keep that up, before, you end up a burnt out heap?

Here's what you can do. Plan, planning helps you eliminate indecision and hurry. Know your limits,learn to listen to your body. It will tell you when you need to stop. Always remember you are responsible for living your life, which you only get to do once. Take time out to relax.Before your vacation you can have a lazy day. A lazy day is simply a day you fill with "YOU" time. Remember it is just a day not days.

Do not, allow yourself live under the illusion that you are indispensable. Never forget time stops for no one. So, give yourself that much needed boost. Have yourself a lazy day.  If you can not have a day, then make it  hours, after all, there are about 8765 hours in a year.

...."If a man insisted always on being serious, and never allowed himself a bit of fun and relaxation, he would go mad or become unstable without knowing it".

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Wednesday 17 June 2015


If you have lost someone you love, to the clutches of death. You know that the loss does in fact, leave a gaping wound. The pain, is so searing,  you feel as though it comes from the very core of your being.You are floored by the fact that, you will never see them again in this lifetime.  All you have left, are precious memories.

 You task yourself, trying to make sense of it all. Asking, if your action could have made a life saving difference. You find that, although your life has been significantly changed, it is business as usual, for the rest of the world. This may make you become withdrawn, resentful, even. Then the anger sets in, and you begin to ask; why you? Finally, in time, with support, and divine help,you find that your mind will accept your loss, and acknowledge that there is nothing you can do to bring them back.

What you can do, is mourn them. Cherish their memory, and as hard as it may be, live your life. No one who truly loves you, will want you to stop living your life, because theirs has ended.Think about it. They will want you to live the best life you can. So cry when you feel like it, pray for strength. Learn how to smile through the pain. Someday, without even realizing it, the wound will become a scar, and scars, do fade.

..."Grief is in two parts. The first is loss. The second is the remaking of life".

                                                                                                  -Anne Roiphe

Wednesday 10 June 2015


" Best friend" a very endearing title.  It says, I consider you to be the best among my friends. Do you have a best friend? Do they consider you to be their best friend too? You do know, that they can be yours, but you may not be theirs?

A friendship is  an investment. You invest  time, emotions, finances and much more. Like all investment endeavors,  it can turn out to be rewarding or not.  When it is rewarding, there will be mutual respect, genuine affection, and loyalty . When it's not, there will be unhealthy competition, jealousy or even resentment.

True friendship, is a divine gift. If you find it or if it finds you, appreciate and cherish it. If you feel the need to further seek out "the best" among friends by all means do so. However, never forget to start with the most important person, YOU. You are your first best friend.

... "My best friend is the man who in wishing me well, wishes it for my sake"
                                                                                           - Aristotle

Thursday 4 June 2015


Change they say is the only constant in nature. As humans, we change with time whether we realize it or not. Our life experiences causes us  to evolve. For instance,if you wrote a bucket list as a teenager, you'll find that, you will most likely have to edit it as you mature into an adult?  Why? Because your view on life has changed with  time.

Same goes for your relationships with people. On a subconscious level, the people within your close circles are on the same frequency range as you. There may come a time when you realize you are no longer within the same frequency range as  someone. So what do you do? Will you try to  expand your frequency range to accommodate theirs ? Or  stay within your frequency range? What happens if  they  still remain out of range even after your adjustments? Do you continue to try?

Unless the relationship has been put together by mother nature herself. By that, I mean as that which exists  within  family. Do not forget,  there are always  new frequency ranges to tune in to. So when your circle of people change, try not to get hung up on, if the change was yours, or theirs? Realize instead, that there will always be people within  range no matter your frequency.

.....“It happens to everyone as they grow up. You find out who you are and what you want, and then you realize that people you've known forever don't see things the way you do. So you keep the wonderful memories, but find yourself moving on.” 
                                                                            -Nicholas Sparks