Wednesday 24 June 2015


Life can sometimes get overwhelming, and if you do not catch yourself ,you may find that 24 hours in a day is not enough. Reality check,  24  hours is all you get, so deal with it.As long as you are living, there will always be some sort of activity to occupy you. But, you do not want to spend your life, always pressed for time, do you? Doing this, will only leave you in a continuous state of rush and panic. How long, do you think you can keep that up, before, you end up a burnt out heap?

Here's what you can do. Plan, planning helps you eliminate indecision and hurry. Know your limits,learn to listen to your body. It will tell you when you need to stop. Always remember you are responsible for living your life, which you only get to do once. Take time out to relax.Before your vacation you can have a lazy day. A lazy day is simply a day you fill with "YOU" time. Remember it is just a day not days.

Do not, allow yourself live under the illusion that you are indispensable. Never forget time stops for no one. So, give yourself that much needed boost. Have yourself a lazy day.  If you can not have a day, then make it  hours, after all, there are about 8765 hours in a year.

...."If a man insisted always on being serious, and never allowed himself a bit of fun and relaxation, he would go mad or become unstable without knowing it".

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