Wednesday 17 June 2015


If you have lost someone you love, to the clutches of death. You know that the loss does in fact, leave a gaping wound. The pain, is so searing,  you feel as though it comes from the very core of your being.You are floored by the fact that, you will never see them again in this lifetime.  All you have left, are precious memories.

 You task yourself, trying to make sense of it all. Asking, if your action could have made a life saving difference. You find that, although your life has been significantly changed, it is business as usual, for the rest of the world. This may make you become withdrawn, resentful, even. Then the anger sets in, and you begin to ask; why you? Finally, in time, with support, and divine help,you find that your mind will accept your loss, and acknowledge that there is nothing you can do to bring them back.

What you can do, is mourn them. Cherish their memory, and as hard as it may be, live your life. No one who truly loves you, will want you to stop living your life, because theirs has ended.Think about it. They will want you to live the best life you can. So cry when you feel like it, pray for strength. Learn how to smile through the pain. Someday, without even realizing it, the wound will become a scar, and scars, do fade.

..."Grief is in two parts. The first is loss. The second is the remaking of life".

                                                                                                  -Anne Roiphe

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