Tuesday 10 September 2013


'Expectation'  derived from the Latin word expectationem, meaning "an awaiting''. We all have expectations concerning  life, people and ourselves . Although expectations do vary from person to person it is wise to examine their basis. To have an in depth understanding in order to ask the all important question WHY?  It is very easy to develop a 'blind spot' when you forget about the WHY? A 'blind spot'  can cause us to become  '' complacent'' and/ or  ''selfish'' neither of which will have a  positive effect on our lives.

With ourselves we should always be aware of our  boundaries, of course, we have  the choice to push past them but it is necessary that we acknowledge them.
With others,  realise that everyone has free will respect this
With life, know that there are no guarantees  and any thing is possible.

DO  look forward to the future . DO NOT forget to live in the present.   DO learn from the past.


1)  Have them

2) Examine their basis

3) Ask WHY?

4) Acknowledge your boundaries

5) Respect the free will of others

6) Realise that in life there are no guarantees

7) Anything is possible

8)Learn from the past

9) Live in the present

10) Look forward to the future

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