Monday 30 September 2013


L’Amour L’Amour  a very powerful emotion that transforms the heart from  a muscular organ to a powerhouse of warmth and care.  What does love mean to you? Do you love yourself?  Not in a selfish way but in a way that makes you self- aware by reflecting your inner you. I honestly believe that to truly love another one must first love ones self .

C.S. Lewis  in his book The  four loves classified love as:

·         Storge – affection: fondness through familiarity especially within family

·         Philia – friendship : Love between friends

·         Eros – Romance: Love in the sense of being in love or loving somebody

·         Agape love – Unconditional love: love that brings forth care regardless of circumstance as that of God for man.

Affection, friendship and romance are unique and separate forms of love that feed into different aspects of your life. People tend to blur the lines  and this sometimes has dire consequences. Do you blur the lines? Friends can become lovers but can lovers remain friends after they’ve stopped loving romantically? Can you truly stay close friends with someone who has stopped loving you in a romantic way without any feeling of nostalgia or remorse? If yes, then congratulations you indeed are an evolved soul.

Remember, when it comes to your expectations of love, that it is indeed a two way street. Open and honest communication is essential. Express your love as best as you can but do bear in mind that there are no guarantees. To love and be loved is an amazing feeling, It adds splashes of colour to your life and helps you dream in colour .

“Where there is love there is life”.

-Mahatma Gandhi


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