Friday 20 September 2013


'' To err is human; to forgive  divine''   A famous quote by the English poet Alexander Pope. These  seven words  hold so much meaning. How often have you felt wronged and how long have you  held  a grudge(s). It is important to remember that you most likely have wronged someone knowingly or unknowingly. And, a person(s) may also hold a grudge against you.

As humans we have our 'flaws' and although we may strive for perfection are in no way 'perfect'. What we are though is unique and what we have are intricate relationships in our lives some of which hold more meaning for us than others.

When you wrong someone knowingly  it is spiteful and is a tell tale sign that you are  bitter and unhappy . It also tells how 'evolved/ unevolved' you are in terms of your character.  More often that not it does have a boomerang effect and wouldn't  end well for you. It may feel like you've 'won' but trust me the feeling is fleeting. If you hold a grudge against someone you give them a hold over you.
Take back the power, walk away ,physically or figuratively. When you  'err'  do not hesitate to ask for forgiveness, make it right!

1) No one is perfect
2)  Hurting someone knowingly is spiteful and will have a boomerang effect
3) Ask for forgiveness and make it right
4) Try not to hold a grudge it will only make you bitter
5) Take back the power walk away.

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