Thursday 10 September 2015

1 WEEK TO LIVE.......

If you found out you had just a week to live, how would you spend it?   You may find that you subconsciously begin to prioritize. Things that you deemed important may not seem so, anymore. Why? Maybe it's because you have been forced to realize  the home truth, life is indeed transient.

You do realize that there about 60- 90 trillion cells, 7 trillion nerves, 639 muscles, 206 bones, 23 organs and 10 pints of blood that make up the miracle, that is YOU. You are a divine work of art so do take some time to appreciate it. It could be a minute to offer a prayer as you wake. Giving a hug and a kiss to a loved one(s). Smiling at your reflection in the mirror. Or just looking up at the sky.

Never allow yourself, live under the illusion that you are indispensable. At best,you will be remembered, and your absence will be felt by those, who genuinely cared about you. Even they, will move on in time. Do not forget,  you cannot stop or turn back the hands of time. So, do what you can, LIVE EVERYDAY. Recognize each dawn for what it is, a gift......

..... "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away". - Maya Angelou

Wednesday 2 September 2015


Maybe  the question should be: what is logic?  The Merriam Webster dictionary defines logic as 
: a proper or reasonable way of thinking about or understanding something
: a particular way of thinking about something
: the science that studies the formal processes used in thinking and reasoning

In other wards, logic can be described as, reasonable thinking. To a large extent, majority of people consider themselves to be "REASONABLE". And why not? the term "REASONABLE", is  relative and stems from a sense perception.  So, what do you think  should happen when someone defy's logic? Should they  automatically be labelled "UNREASONABLE?" 

Maybe,  someone being "UNREASONABLE", is just a case of the heart overriding the brain? After all,  emotions can be very powerful. On the other hand, it can also be simple selfishness. Try not to lose  sleep and energy, trying to ascertain what is reasonable or not. Concentrate instead on finding a way to have your heart, and brain coexist in harmony.  You need both of them to survive.

By the way,the opposite of logic is unreasonableness.... just in case you were wondering...

...“When dealing with people, let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures of emotion, creatures bristling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity.”

- Dale Carnegie

Thursday 27 August 2015


When living life, it can get so engrossing,  you may forget  it is not a one way street.  There are other people around you. They may behind , in front ,trying to pass by you, or coming from the opposite direction. 

 So what do you do? BE AWARE. Stay focused on your driving. Don't get intimidated by honking horns. Don't intimidate others with your horn either. It's OK to let other's overtake you. You can do the same,without endangering yourself.Some of these people you will see, everyday, some for a certain period, others never again. So do be courteous.

 Bear in mind though, only ignorant people act like they own the road. The road belongs to no one.

".....Life is not a one way street. You can go in different directions, but be prepared for those who act like they own the road"- Susan Gale

Wednesday 19 August 2015


Bridges are very significant, particularly the ones in our lives. Why? because they connect us to other people.  During the course of life, many relationships are forged. It takes commitment, to keep these relationships alive. In other wards, maintenance of the these "bridges" are vital.

You may not use a bridge frequently, that notwithstanding it is important,  to keep it operational. If at anytime, you decide to  destroy a certain bridge, for example by burning it. Pause, and give it some thought.Because, it  does take significant effort to build a bridge. Do you really think destruction is the answer? If yes, by all means go ahead.

If you want to,you can rebuild a bridge. It may take more effort, but ,who knows it may be well worth it. It can give rise to a new bridge that is not only stronger, but will be frequently used. GOOD LUCK!

“Fear builds walls instead of bridges. I want a life of bridges, not walls.” 
― Lisa Wingate 

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How To Mend A Broken Heart

Moving On

Wednesday 12 August 2015


Do you agree  there is a  certain sense of  comfort/security that accompanies familiarity? Maybe, it is all about perception? Man, has been described as a  creature of habit. So, in other wards,  it is understandable when change causes anxiety for some. Others on the other hand handle it well.

What does it mean to take a chance? Simple, realizing that change is indeed inevitable. When you come to this realization, hopefully,you will find it easier to make the necessary adjustments, when life changes occur.

By all means   BE AWARE of your comfort zone. But, do not be afraid to reach beyond it.  Challenge yourself. What is the worst that could happen?

“A ship is always safe at the shore - but that is NOT what it is built for.”
                                                                                                  - Albert Einstein

Wednesday 5 August 2015


Do you really think there's a straight forward answer to this question? Or maybe, it is a question that takes a lifetime to answer? Either way,  you must attempt to answer if, you want to LIVE and not just EXIST.You do know there's a difference?

When you make the decision to live life, you become aware of yourself. Your needs, wants, expectations, fears, aspirations, desires etc. When you exist, you go through life as a routine.You live everyday the same way.

It is indeed an established fact,  there are 24 hours in a day.  But, when you live, you realize this is more than enough time. On the other hand, when you exist, it doesn't ever seem enough.Why? Because, you always have something to do. You've apportioned " a task" to all the time available to you. Do not mistake falling into a set routine, for being organized. A schedule is meant to eliminate, indecision and hurry, not define your day.

If you really want to know, who are you? Look in the mirror, and ask the one person who can give you the answer; YOU.

"You’ll never know who you are unless you shed who you pretend to be." 
 Vironika Tugaleva

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Wednesday 29 July 2015


The  environment  plays a vital role in our  lives. It influences to a large extent, who we are. It shapes our personalities,provides us, with much needed life experiences. It also sets the tone for how we interact with other people.

The intricate relationships, that exists in the environment makes it very dynamic. So, it is important to remain "centered". It will be unsettling, if not exhausting, to live a life, that is always changing with the environment. By all means, change can be a good thing.However, you need long term focus to achieve,  your life goals.

Learn to live from the inside, out ; not from the outside in. Have a clear picture of what you want, and take it from life. You will be doing yourself a great disservice, if you  resign yourself only  to what life gives you. Why settle for less, when you can  have more?

“Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days.” 
                                                                                                        -                                                 Zig Ziglar

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Wednesday 22 July 2015


Why do you think children have such colorful imaginations? Maybe it is because they believe anything is possible. Their minds are open, and free from worry, fear, and all other emotions that can be restrictive. 

Ask a child, what they want to become when they grow up? Their answers are guaranteed to make you smile. Yes, it may change by the  hour or day, but they will always have an answer for you. 
So what was your answer to this popular question? Did you achieve it? Are you in the process of achieving it?Or did you take a totally  different path?  

Life, is full of "surprises". Some pleasant, others not so pleasant. However,every "surprise" has its purpose.Your perspective on life, is the key, to making your dreams come true. You may have to make some changes. That's okay, change is the only constant in nature. Never lose you inner child, and your life will be full of color. Always remember, no dream is too big. If you can conceive it, you can achieve it. Leave no room for self doubt or fear. 

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” 
                                                                                  Paulo Coelho

Wednesday 15 July 2015


In life, people have different interests. These interests, come with a certain degree of knowledge. Knowledge, as with everything in life, is constantly changing. In other wards, experience/education acquired in the past or present,may not always be relevant.

By all means share your knowledge, and/or experiences. However, do so with the understanding that it is not cast in stone.  There is no shame, in accepting your knowledge, or experience may have become "out dated". Instead, make  a conscious effort to stay up to date.Do not be afraid to  explore beyond your comfort zone.  Re-invent yourself if you have to.Challenge yourself , learn new things.

Life, is indeed a school. It always has something to teach you. Keep an open mind, learn all you can. Trust me, you will be wiser for it. HAPPY LEARNING.

....."Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow...".
                                                                                  Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Wednesday 8 July 2015


Being able to express yourself with words is a must. Unless of course, you are a hermit. You'll  be surprised that even hermits, write down their thoughts. In life, it doesn't matter if you consider yourself to be an introvert, extrovert or a bit of both, you have to interact with other people.

 During the course of these interactions, you will need to be vocal. Yes, there are times when you find silence to be golden. Learn to recognize these times.However, you should also learn how to speak your mind. There's nothing wrong with speaking your mind. Speak your mind, but choose your words.  Do not let your emotions choose the words for you. Please note,  this does not apply to romantic proclamations, OK?

If you want to be heard, you will need to master the art of  listening.Good listeners, make good speakers. Good listeners seem to be among the minority. Be a part of that minority, and hear your words, echo across the world. 

"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen".
                                                                                                           - Winston Churchill

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Wednesday 1 July 2015


L'amour,  the emotion that emanates from the body's power house itself, the heart.  Love is a very powerful emotion. It transcends logic and time. Ever had the experience of a love affair? Did you see it coming? Or did it creep up on you?  You began to smile, didn't you? I mean smiles that reached your eyes, and made them twinkle.

Hold that thought. Now that's how you should feel about life. When you have a love affair with life. you will catch yourself smiling a lot more. The sky will look clearer. People will seem  nicer. Most importantly, you will recognize each dawn for what it is, an opportunity. Why will all this happen? Because you will have passion.You can not have love without passion. Passion, when harnessed and channeled in a positive way, puts the EXTRA in ORDINARY.

To have a love affair with life, you need to love yourself, in all entirety.  Remember it is more about awareness than perfection.Live each day with zest and vigor. Like all love affairs, there will be down times, not to worry. Make the effort to acknowledge, and address. When it comes to love, it doesn't matter if it is a person, an activity or object. Love is, keeping hope alive. 

......."I have found that if you love life, life will love you back".
                                                                    -Arthur Rubinstein


Wednesday 24 June 2015


Life can sometimes get overwhelming, and if you do not catch yourself ,you may find that 24 hours in a day is not enough. Reality check,  24  hours is all you get, so deal with it.As long as you are living, there will always be some sort of activity to occupy you. But, you do not want to spend your life, always pressed for time, do you? Doing this, will only leave you in a continuous state of rush and panic. How long, do you think you can keep that up, before, you end up a burnt out heap?

Here's what you can do. Plan, planning helps you eliminate indecision and hurry. Know your limits,learn to listen to your body. It will tell you when you need to stop. Always remember you are responsible for living your life, which you only get to do once. Take time out to relax.Before your vacation you can have a lazy day. A lazy day is simply a day you fill with "YOU" time. Remember it is just a day not days.

Do not, allow yourself live under the illusion that you are indispensable. Never forget time stops for no one. So, give yourself that much needed boost. Have yourself a lazy day.  If you can not have a day, then make it  hours, after all, there are about 8765 hours in a year.

...."If a man insisted always on being serious, and never allowed himself a bit of fun and relaxation, he would go mad or become unstable without knowing it".

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Wednesday 17 June 2015


If you have lost someone you love, to the clutches of death. You know that the loss does in fact, leave a gaping wound. The pain, is so searing,  you feel as though it comes from the very core of your being.You are floored by the fact that, you will never see them again in this lifetime.  All you have left, are precious memories.

 You task yourself, trying to make sense of it all. Asking, if your action could have made a life saving difference. You find that, although your life has been significantly changed, it is business as usual, for the rest of the world. This may make you become withdrawn, resentful, even. Then the anger sets in, and you begin to ask; why you? Finally, in time, with support, and divine help,you find that your mind will accept your loss, and acknowledge that there is nothing you can do to bring them back.

What you can do, is mourn them. Cherish their memory, and as hard as it may be, live your life. No one who truly loves you, will want you to stop living your life, because theirs has ended.Think about it. They will want you to live the best life you can. So cry when you feel like it, pray for strength. Learn how to smile through the pain. Someday, without even realizing it, the wound will become a scar, and scars, do fade.

..."Grief is in two parts. The first is loss. The second is the remaking of life".

                                                                                                  -Anne Roiphe

Wednesday 10 June 2015


" Best friend" a very endearing title.  It says, I consider you to be the best among my friends. Do you have a best friend? Do they consider you to be their best friend too? You do know, that they can be yours, but you may not be theirs?

A friendship is  an investment. You invest  time, emotions, finances and much more. Like all investment endeavors,  it can turn out to be rewarding or not.  When it is rewarding, there will be mutual respect, genuine affection, and loyalty . When it's not, there will be unhealthy competition, jealousy or even resentment.

True friendship, is a divine gift. If you find it or if it finds you, appreciate and cherish it. If you feel the need to further seek out "the best" among friends by all means do so. However, never forget to start with the most important person, YOU. You are your first best friend.

... "My best friend is the man who in wishing me well, wishes it for my sake"
                                                                                           - Aristotle

Thursday 4 June 2015


Change they say is the only constant in nature. As humans, we change with time whether we realize it or not. Our life experiences causes us  to evolve. For instance,if you wrote a bucket list as a teenager, you'll find that, you will most likely have to edit it as you mature into an adult?  Why? Because your view on life has changed with  time.

Same goes for your relationships with people. On a subconscious level, the people within your close circles are on the same frequency range as you. There may come a time when you realize you are no longer within the same frequency range as  someone. So what do you do? Will you try to  expand your frequency range to accommodate theirs ? Or  stay within your frequency range? What happens if  they  still remain out of range even after your adjustments? Do you continue to try?

Unless the relationship has been put together by mother nature herself. By that, I mean as that which exists  within  family. Do not forget,  there are always  new frequency ranges to tune in to. So when your circle of people change, try not to get hung up on, if the change was yours, or theirs? Realize instead, that there will always be people within  range no matter your frequency.

.....“It happens to everyone as they grow up. You find out who you are and what you want, and then you realize that people you've known forever don't see things the way you do. So you keep the wonderful memories, but find yourself moving on.” 
                                                                            -Nicholas Sparks

Wednesday 27 May 2015


 People generally have an innate need to be accepted by others. Entrepreneurs  have made a lot of money from having this knowledge and knowing how to apply it. Just ask Mark Zuckerburg (facebook), Jan Koum ( whatsapp) or even Kevin systrom( Instagram).Beg to differ?

People say social media helps you stay connected right?  So why the need for constant updates?  uploading pictures of the  new car, house,  from the family album or that well deserved vacation? Do you really want to stay connected or do you want a taste of  stardom,? By that I mean, do you want the connection a celebrity has with his/her fans?

 Reality check. Constantly seeking acceptance either by likes, following, comments etc will only undermine your sense of gratification .  It can also rob you off the meaningful connections you  have already established in your life. These are the people who have accepted you for you. The ones that call you on the phone, send you emails, text messages, video chat, pay you visits when they can.

  If you want to stay connected and meet new people , then do just that. Don't obsess over   the numbers. Unless  you can transform those numbers into cash, legitimately of course. Stay connected but do not live a lie. Do not expect  that everybody you meet is going to accept you.You can try to win their acceptance, if it matters that much to you. You  may just  end up feeling neglected, and for what?

 Never forget,the world is your playground. Do not wait to be invited or asked to play. Embrace your inner child. HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY

“Because one believes in oneself, one doesn't try to convince others. Because one is content with oneself, one doesn't need others' approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her.” 
 Lao Tzu

Wednesday 20 May 2015


Revenge they say is a dish best served cold, do you agree? Have you ever felt so wronged that you find yourself dedicating time to plotting on how to get even? You want to get even because you are convinced it will right the wrong, or at least make you feel better, right? Did you go through with it? Did it make you feel better? Did it right the wrong?

It has been said ....."success is the sweetest revenge," now, that is worth dedicating time and effort to. If you are convinced you have been wronged, dedicate time to making things right for yourself. Concentrate on discovering the better you. Do not waste precious time and effort on a person or people who do not deserve it, they are mere distractions.

 Let nature do her thing, what goes around does eventually come around. You are fabulous, so live your life on your terms. Do not live as though you have something to prove, unless it is to yourself .

...... "How people treat you is their Karma; how you react is yours"

Wayne Dyer

Wednesday 13 May 2015


Life happens, this is as sure as eggs. And yes, we all are running in the LIFE MARATHON. We got signed up for it the moment we were born. As with every sport that tests your  endurance, you need to stay hydrated, or you will be worst for wear, and that wouldn't help your chances of reaching the finish line, now would it?

 In the life marathon we chase after more money ,success, fame,  dream car/ house, or whatever luxuries we fancy. Sometimes we get so caught up  in the chase for WHAT WE WANT  that we do not pause to APPRECIATE  WHAT WE HAVE. This can be very detrimental to us, because, taking a  pause to appreciate what we have, is how we stay hydrated.  Being ambitious is a good thing, but you need to BE ALIVE to reap its rewards. I mean it's all about winning the prize or should I say prizes, right?

So, need I say more? STAY HYDRATED, APPRECIATE WHAT YOU HAVE, and stay in the race. Good luck to you!!!!

.........Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough” 
                                                                    ― Oprah Winfrey

Wednesday 6 May 2015


A first experience is like discovering a new route to your favorite spot. You may take it again, because it saves you time. You may never take it again because, it takes you longer to get to your destination. On the other hand, you may decide to take it occasionally . But  try as may, you cannot 
honestly say,  " I have never taken this route before", it will never be new to you again.

Our first experiences  may evoke fond memories or not, but they are not always totally forgotten. Why do you think? Is it because of the feelings of expectation, and sometimes anxiety that precede them? Or perhaps it is the excitement that comes from exploring the unknown? 

Some people get so caught up in trying to recapture the "magic " they are convinced happened  the first time. They fail to realize, that in order to do that, they need a time machine. Hopefully a time machine will take them back to that exact moment, impossible? At best, it can only be LIKE the first time, a comparison, It can never be the FIRST time.

So, instead of spending all that time and effort  on a comparison, why don't you invest in that unique 2nd, 3rd, 4th.. or even  1 millionth time experience?  

....... "No one can possibly know what is about to happen: it is happening, each time, for the first time, for the only time".
                                James A. Baldwin

Wednesday 29 April 2015


....... " Every action has an equal and opposite reaction..." Newton's third law  of motion. In our lives it can be translated simply as every action has a reaction. As we go on with the business of living, we carry out many actions, some of which are well thought out, others are spur of the moment. Either way,we must realise that our actions will always elicit reactions.

The reactions can be  good, or bad . It is of utmost importance, that we endeavor to think before we act.  We may be able to control the way we act to a large extent.However, we should never allow ourselves live under the illusion, that we can control the response to our actions.

Every individual was created with his or her own mind. How  the individual minds develop is determined by a lot of factors. That not withstanding, each mind has its own perspective, as such, there are multiple perspectives out there in the world. So, when you act, remember you may think you  have "control", but, it just maybe  from your perspective.

........ "Every action has a reaction, everything we do or say has an effect".
                                                                                          -Heidi Ayarbe

Thursday 23 April 2015


As humans it is in our nature to connect with each other. From the moment we are conceived  right up to when we die. Some connections  are predetermined,as is with family.While other connections are established by choice, as is with friends and love interests. You can not make or maintain a connection without giving a part of yourself, and that  part is usually your heart. Your heart is your power house, literally and figuratively.

So, when any of these connections are severed for whatever reason, our heart, our power house, suffers and it hurts. Some people refuse to acknowledge the pain, while others let the pain overwhelm them. There is no right or wrong way to feel .What matters is you allow your power house mend, for if you do not, you will end up bitter and full of resentment.  You have to accept that there are no shortcuts, you can not boycott the pain. You may try to bury it, but as with all things buried, it can be unearthed. Your best bet is to face it,for it is only when you face it, that you can conquer it, and it is by conquering it, that you can truly heal.

If you want to mend your broken  heart,

  • Acknowledge the pain, cry if you feel like it, tears can be wiped off 
  • Be honest with yourself about why the connection was severed 
  • Decide if and when you want to reestablish the connection
  • Do not try to get even, or you'll end up being caught up in a vicious cycle of hate and hurt
  • Accept that love is only enough when it is reciprocated, you cannot make someone love you if they don't  want to
  • Do not wallow in self pity
  • Mourn your loss but have no regrets
  • Most importantly COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS, they are more than you think

Mending a broken heart doesn't happen overnight, it takes time and effort. But,it is well worth it, it will make you stronger, and wiser.

“Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.”– Mark Twain

Thursday 16 April 2015


Life can get a bit overwhelming at times, and it is for those times that you need to know where to find your centre. Your centre helps to keep you calm amidst the storm, and in tune with your inner-self.  When you’re in tune with yourself, you can drown out outside interference, or choose what frequency you listen to at will. This makes it easier for you to focus on achieving your goals and ambitions.

As we get on with the business of living, we sometimes drift away from our centre. We let our lives become defined by routines and deadlines.  We crowd our minds with so much worry, and fret over things we cannot control like when it’s going to rain. We forget worry does not make any situation better. We forget routines can be changed and deadlines extended. We forget that we are meant to live life with zest and vigour.

Let us never forget though that change is the only constant in nature. Do your best to prepare for these changes, or better still, make the necessary adjustments when they occur. If you get caught out in the rain seek shelter and wait it out. If you choose not to seek shelter and prefer to brave the rain and dry off at home, by all means do so. If you want to reduce your chances of being caught out in the rain, listen to the weather forecast, and do take your umbrella along.

 Bear in mind however, that the weather man does not control mother nature. You may end up carrying an umbrella on a cloudy day, or even if it does rain, your umbrella may not hold up and can get swept off in the rain.  If you want to know where to find your centre, begin by asking; WHO AM I? AND WHAT DO I WANT FROM LIFE? As you attempt to answer these questions, you are already half way there. GOODLUCK!!!!

..........“Truly being authentic is knowing what matters to you, on the deepest level of who you are, and committing always to act from that authentic center.” 

― Richie Norton